nature, history, civilization

Ethnographic aspects
History unfold
The Iron and Bronze Age
Geto-Dacians vestiges
Roman vestiges
The Byzantine vestiges
The XIII-XIV period
The XIV-XV period
The Ottoman Possession
The Modern Times
Places History
History of Tulcea
History of Sulina

Cultural itinerary

Historical itinerary

History of places and people living in this area.

The Byzantine vestiges

Transport to the
Danube Delta area

Weather at Tulcea:
Click for Tulcea, Romania Forecast
Weather at Sulina:
Click for Sulina, Romania Forecast


Danube's water levels

Fishing zones

Authors: Cristina Dinu, Aurel Stanica, dr. Steluta Parau, Mihaela Iacob

In the IX-th century there is a mention of Lykostomium (the bank Gura Lupului-Wolf's mouth) on Chilia channel, where there are found the Regional Byzantine Fleet Headquarters and Proslavita or Periaslavets (located probably at Nufarul). From Lykostomo, the Byzantines tried to defend the water way. During the X-th century, the emperor and writer Constantin Porfirogenetul mentions for the first time the Sulina and Chilia Channels.

The Danube 's Mouth, intensely exploited for commercial traffic and navigation, as well as for natural resources, represented for Byzance a strategic target. Here important towns developed, as Lykostomium and Periaslavet which is presented when it is conquered by Kiev's Sviatoslav Kniaz, in 968, as a great commercial center where many roads end bringing gold, woven materials, wine and all sort of fruits from Greece, silver and horses from Bohemia an d Hungary, furs, wax, honey and slaves from Russia.

The Byzantine and Genovian medieval maps mention Sancti Georgi (Sfântu Gheorghe), Donavici (Dunavat), Proslavita (Nufaru), Solina (Sulina), Licostomo (Periprava?), Chilia etc.

Archaeological researches mention on the right side of the Sfantul Gheorghe Channel, in the area of Nufarul of today, the existence of an important urban center from the X-XIV centuries, guarded by Byzantine fortifications built in the X-th century.

In the same time the antique Aegyssus (Tulcea) is repopulated. Monetary discoveries in the area offer a prove for that. The byzantien fortification of Aegyssus will have a short existence because it will be destroyed by the uzes in 1064. But the place will continue to be inhabited after.

The weekening of the Byzantine Empire let place for Italian, Genovian and Venitian merchants which will make flourish Lykostomo, Chilia and Vicina at the Danube 's mouth. The temporary military and political Genovian occupation is presented in documents of those times in which is shown how at the Caraorman area were exiled the criminals.

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